Holistic on-site marketing
Q6Q7 is the largest inner urban development in the city of Mannheim since the construction of the castle some 300 years ago. This involved the demolition of many old buildings and the detonation of unexploded bombs right on one of the principal arterial routes in the city centre. The project was hardly a silent and dust-free experience for the surrounding retailers and residents. What this meant for us was to create an all-round on-site marketing campaign. We helped to run a “round table” for the affected retailers to communicate with the city council. The initial opposition to the building project with a total volume of over €300 million eventually turned into support. Continually updated on-site information, neighbourhood communication, a manned on-site information office and publicity-generating events such as the Lichterfest, a huge Advent calendar and other exhibitions served to keep the public up-to-date and upbeat.
Client: Diringer & Scheidel, Mannheim
